The NSBA 2010 Technology+Learning Conference in Phoenix, Arizona was a huge success as the yolink education team welcomed over a hundred inquisitive educators and administrators to the booth.
Those new to yolink were excited by the technology and shared various scenarios about when and where yolink could help them save time and effort, such as searching for projects on intellectual property or preparing for a doctorate. The most frequently asked question of the conference was the incredulous, “yolink is seriously free?”
People were also pleased to learn that they can add yolink search enhancement to their blog by installing a simple widget that can be found at www.yolink.com/yolink/widget/. Mark Garrison installed yolink to his blog www.GarrisonSites.com/ that afternoon after the conference.
Conferences are a fantastic way to meet and interact with new people on a personal level. A great big thank you to everyone who came by the booth and followed our live twitter updates at @yolinkeducation.
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