Ms. Montaperto's computer class at PS 254 in Brooklyn, NY completes the first YEP pilot!
Yolink team members worked hands-on with a class of 4th graders working together to learn how to search better and find valuable information. Students learned how to use syntax, judge website authenticity, find valuable information and how to turn it into a secondary source with integrated tools. In Alan November's words, they "learned that online search is an active skill, not a passive service".
Some of their favorite things were less clicking back and forth, no more skimming long web pages, and the ability to easily pick out content rich sites.
After the 4th graders learned how to use yolink, they then taught the 5th graders how to use it as well.
"I am so glad that we are learning this great new tool. Many times searching can be very frustrating! I am excited that our class is working with Yolink to help kids everywhere obtain better information in less time and with less frustration!" - Ms. Montaperto
Check out more of their comments on the pilot here!

If you'd like to participate in a yolink pilot, click here. Stay tuned to see more pilot stories and ideas as they are completed!
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